Monday, September 26, 2011

The Allegory of the Cave through history

According to Bem's E.B.E. theory relies on two ideas characteristic of gay culture. That gender differences are arbitrary and culturally determined, and that society needs to relax its sexual boundaries. Thus Bem traces adult sexual orientation to childhood preferences for sex-typical or sex-atypical activities and friendships. Typical children are those who conform to the norm for their gender and they grow up feeling different from the opposite sex,thus they will be attracted to the opposite sex in adulthood. On the contrary, atypical children who grow up feeling different from their own sex in childhood will typically grow up to be homosexual.

The sexual preference of other’s isn’t readily accepted by some people.  For many years there was an illusion that person's sexual preferences was a matter of choice. Some believe that a person has no control over their sexual orientation, whilst others view it differently.  The beliefs of some people that others choose their sexual orientation have caused them to be judgmental and insensitive towards the feelings of those with different sexual orientation.
Young people find it so difficult to live comfortably in a society which they are perceived as abnormal or different. They often resort to suicide as the pressures and scrutiny placed on their sexual orientation is overwhelming.  They often do not receive acceptance and equality among peers or others.  When a vast number of people refuse to accept that no one has control of their sexual preference but rather illusionize that’s it’s a choice often creates massive confusion.
As an increasing number of young people commit suicide every year over the stigma placed upon their different sexual orientation, society now has to wonder whether they are living in an illusion.  They begin to question whether they were wrong all along to believe that sexual orientation was a choice.  As a result of society’s critical thinking, different sexual orientation has been accepted and avenues of aid are made available to those in need.  Society is now drifting away from the illusion and now acceptance is given to those who were prior perceived as different.

Is sexual preference a result of biology, environment, or personal choice?  Unfortunately the scientists who are pursuing this question keep steadily moving in one direction, while those with an ideological agenda simply ignore the science and make up the answer they want.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Allegory of The Cave

The Allegory of The Cave

In this excerpt from the Republic, the philosopher Plato writes about a dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon where he states the difference between reality and being unenlightened. In the allegory of the cave Socrates compares the ignorance of people to the life of prisoners who since their childhood have been livingin a cave. The opening of the cave is towards the light which reaches all along the cave. Their legs and neck are chained. They are unable to turn their heads.All they can see is onlywhat is in front of them. Fire burns behind them at a distance.     There is a wall between the prisoners and the fire, serving as a screen to show shadows of puppets and statues made of wood and stone.   
Prisoners hear talking and see movements of vessels along the wall. The reality is not seen or known to the prisoners. The fire reflects their shadows and that of others on the wall. If prisoners talked to each other about what is seen and heard, they would be mistaken to refer to the shadows and echoes as reality. At the release of a Prisoner, he will be driven to turn his neck round, walk and look in the direction of the light and be able to see the reality ofhis previous state of life. These realities are shadows. He will be forced to climb out of the cave to experience what he initially perceived as truth, he will have the realization of reflections and shadows which is described by Plato as painful. He will understand now, his eyes have turnedto reality and adjusted to the sunlight heis able to see well.He can see people and things as it exists in reality.  Will he notimagine that the shadows he previously saw are truer than the objects shown to him?
 If he is made to return to the cave he will be unable to see the shadows as reality again. He would want to enlighten them as to the wisdom that he had learnt; they would in return want him to be their leader. Will he be inclined to pity them?  Socrates explains that when the prisoner can see the cause of what is in the sky and sun as reality and not reflection, he is now aware of truth and reality. There is now understanding. 

Monday, September 19, 2011


I recall my beliefs as a child which derived from my strong religious and spiritual background.
I honestly believed that once you were faithful to the creator who is our God, pray hard and keep true to the many biblical teachings my life would be untouchable.  There would be no harm or wrong to my family members. I believed that I earned a special coverage from all harm and evil, it’s like purchasing a life policy.
In the prime of my life tragedy struck, my mother was seriously injured after being struck by a school bus.  She was detained for several week at the intensive unit of the hospital, injuries life threatening.  I was devastated and questioned why god would punish me, I have not faulted, nor my family. I thought there must have been an error in the teachings which my whole life had been shaped around and I often pondered on the entire situation.
I finally resorted to raising the concerned issues with my religious leaders.  In the mist of intense discussions and prayers I understood and believed differently.  Its simple, God will always put us to the test to prove us worthy.  He will constantly test us with trials and tribulation and this is a proven fact, it happened to me.
Indeed there are numerous other incidents in my life where I have found myself in a cave.  I initially believed in the generous tooth fairy, Santa Clause and fairytales.  Later to discover the reality to be either my parents or relative were doing a good deed.  I believed persons were born with a golden spoon in their mouth and everything good would go their way. Today I understand the fact remains that you have to persevere to achieve in your endeavors.