Monday, September 19, 2011


I recall my beliefs as a child which derived from my strong religious and spiritual background.
I honestly believed that once you were faithful to the creator who is our God, pray hard and keep true to the many biblical teachings my life would be untouchable.  There would be no harm or wrong to my family members. I believed that I earned a special coverage from all harm and evil, it’s like purchasing a life policy.
In the prime of my life tragedy struck, my mother was seriously injured after being struck by a school bus.  She was detained for several week at the intensive unit of the hospital, injuries life threatening.  I was devastated and questioned why god would punish me, I have not faulted, nor my family. I thought there must have been an error in the teachings which my whole life had been shaped around and I often pondered on the entire situation.
I finally resorted to raising the concerned issues with my religious leaders.  In the mist of intense discussions and prayers I understood and believed differently.  Its simple, God will always put us to the test to prove us worthy.  He will constantly test us with trials and tribulation and this is a proven fact, it happened to me.
Indeed there are numerous other incidents in my life where I have found myself in a cave.  I initially believed in the generous tooth fairy, Santa Clause and fairytales.  Later to discover the reality to be either my parents or relative were doing a good deed.  I believed persons were born with a golden spoon in their mouth and everything good would go their way. Today I understand the fact remains that you have to persevere to achieve in your endeavors.

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